29 March 2025

Tinubu Newspaper Takes Hard-line Step Towards Nigeria Dissolution, Says Britain Should Reverse Amalgamation Treaty.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu: He achived not much in Lagos State as Governor

He is his own true enemy , refusing to learn from history.


The Leader of APC. Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu could be changing his political goalpost following recent development surrounding his being accused of involving in the recent massacre of youth protesters in Lagos. He has been accused and fingered as giving the directives that sent the military to attack innocent protesting youth in Lekki Toll gate, Lagos. Lekki toll gate is one of Tinubu’s arms of many money spinning business empires he controls. The youths were protesting incessant killing of youths as well as against violent treatment of fellow Nigerians, using the apparatus of the Police institution to extort, rob, dehumanise and oppress Nigerians who have been helpless and taking fate that they have been subjugated and emotionally disempowered and subdued as normal citizens of the country.

Nigeria Police Force SARS have been notorious for many years and got their training as a mere security institution by the United Kingdom. Britain stood against SARS and has been quick to tell the World that the training given to the Nigeria security apparatus was normal and never taught them to be oppressors of innocent citizens.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the owner of the NATION Newspapers was instrumental to the formation of the alliance of a section of South West Nigeria in 2015, forming a mega party called All Progressive Congress (APC) which wrestled power from Goodluck Jonathan’s Peoples Democratic Party. Tinubu was later to be ditched for about three years just after his making of Muhammadu Buhari, A Fulani Nigeria ex-General and a cow dealer as the new Nigeria leader, with Buhari assuming power as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in May 29. 2015.

Ironically, precisely a year to the 2019 election which ushered in Buhari second term in a violently-filled election and full of malpractices, Tinubu was to be pacified and pampered in a hush-hush packaged strategy and political manoeuvrings as the ruling party celebrated him for his birthday with the President flying from Abuja to Lagos to celebrate his maker once again. It was like riding over a fool horse to greatness, using the usual tactics of fake romance to grab power and stay as President in 2019. The occasion was full of fun and pageantry with a post-mortem award given to late Bashorun MKO Abiola, the deprived winner of Nigeria’s freest election in 1993. The award was given to draw a sympathy from the Southwest to Buhari as caring for the region and the people.

Tinubu was a student of the political crisis which emanated from the annulment , especially The aftermath of the celebration, tagged Tinubu Colloquium was an handsome gift which insiders revealed much enticing and rewarding as once again, Tinubu condescended and made sure Buhari’s APC won almost all states in the Southwest Nigeria and campaigning personally to ensure Buhari’s 2019 election victory and advancing to a second term in office holding the baton of rulership as Nigeria’s president.

Despite the shabby treatment, Tinubu still declares his loyalty to APC and many political observers are holding the view that maybe the Lord of Bourdilon ( as he is also fondly called) may know in secret what many in the political field may not know as his desperation to be the Nigerian president remains undoubted even in the face of obvious political antagonism and power play by those who had percieved him as a threat to the North political domination and wanting to stop him at all cost. His dream for the presidency remains untainted and the closer his dream for 2023 the more his enemies are finding ways to destroy him and take him out of their way. However, the man popularly eulogised as the Jagaban of Borgu still holds his dream high even as he remains treated as irrelevant by those in APC who once again used his influence to attain power and support from the South-West. Since election 2019 gave the secoind twerm to Buhari, Tinubu and his dream supporters aiming for huis presidency in 2023 once again have been thrown into the dustbin of political stake-holding, since Buhari was sworn-in for his second term. It was the same use and dump tactics explored in 2015 and it worked for the president.

Seventy-seven year-old Muhammadu Buhari took power in Nigeria just the nation celebrated New Year’s Eve in 1983, doing so through the barrels of the gun attaining his same trait of military dictatorship He was ushered into power after a coup against an elected president, who happened to be from his own kinsmen.

On Friday morning, Mr. Buhari once again became the leader of Africa’s most populous country — this time under markedly different circumstances. Standing rigidly before the chief justice of the Nigerian Supreme Court, the lanky, bespectacled man who calls himself a “converted democrat” pressed his palm against a Quran and solemnly swore to “be faithful to the constitution of the Republic of Nigeria” as its new president.

Seventy-seven year-old Muhammadu Buhari took power in Nigeria just the nation celebrated New Year’s Eve in 1983, doing so through the barrels of the gun attaining his same trait of military dictatorship He was ushered into power after a coup against an elected president, who happened to be from his own kinsmen.

With the South of the country now upping their cries and determination to cede their region from the Nigeria, which many had believed is an entrapment for the Southern part, Tinubu’s newspaper ran an editorial, which many believed may be shifting his political goalpost as the reality of his pending political doom stairs him in the face. Read The Nation editorial recently urging Britain to untie what it tied over 100 years ago which has given birth to a union that has never been treated as a nation

Read The NATION’S Newspaper Editorial

The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson has a choice either to make history or follow the dehumanizing history of his forebears for lumping Northern Nigeria and Southern Nigeria Protectorate together, against the people’s volition in a forceful Amalgamation in 1914 by Lord Frederick Lugard.

Devoid of cathartic memories, the solemn event marked the divorce of the union from the very beginning.

Boris Johnson would be doing so either by reversing the travesty of history – should I say the tragedy of history – choreographed by his progeny who colonised and forcibly coerced the people into a nation without identities or solidarized with the people in their current quest to extricate themselves from the shackles and manacles of Northern domination.

By siding with the #EndNigeria protests tweaking globally, it’s important that the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, the Queen of England and the entire country leadership add their voices to that of a traumatized Nigerian generation of youths calling for an end to the marriage of convenient contracted by the British Colonial Masters.

Boris Johnson would be healing the wounds consciously and peniciously inflicted on the dehumanized people  occupying a troubled space in order to avert the coming anarchy.

The Prime Minister mustn’t be ignorant of the fact that the country he’s presiding over now once played an ignoble role by viciously hobbling together diverse cultures; traditional ethos, religions and their ancillary totems, tongues without similitude in lifestyle and social heritage or orientation.

Aside, Mr. Boris Johnson owes it an obligation to stand up and be counted, not only as the Prime Minister of Great Britain alone but so much as a global leader who must not avert his gaze away from a formerly colonised nation by his country.

It’s evidence that General Muhammadu Buhari has literally empowered the Boko Haram terrorists, Fulani marauding herdsmen beasts and the bloodthirsty bandits in his own part of the country to overrun southern part of Nigeria who are predominantly Christians.

Androitly, General Muhammadu Buhari and his hallelujah boys have been seeking escape routes in clumping roads. They have been throwing spit into the air and collecting it with their faces. They have been down playing the slaughtering of innocent citizenry in their thousands on the basis of religious beliefs, ethnocentric differences and unremitting brutality against those calling for the dissolution of the Nigerian State.

But the Nigerian President and his minders have refused to ask themselves a subtler question: Is unbending confrontation, castigation of patriotic citizens or brutalizing the nation’s youths more effective in achieving the desired changes the people are clamouring for? Each time I point out the figures of Boko Haram insurgents’, Fulani herdsmen terrorists’ and the dreaded bandits’ victims operating in the Northern parts of the country’s, their first instinct is usually to question the anecdotal evidence and reject the credibility of the data.

The global community is aware that General Buhari’s Presidency, as a matter of official policy, has legitimized falsehood. As I write, one twelfth of Katsina State citizens, General Buhari’s home state are in IDPs camps, dislodged by Boko Haram terrorists.

Yet, Buhari is releasing the arrested Boko Haram terrorists back to the society in the name of ‘repentance’! He even released fund for their foreign education, a strategy that encouraged Northern youths to be enlisted into Boko Haram terrorist groups

The Prime Minister should spare a thought about the Great Britain being forcefully yoked together in an unwholesome amalgamation between Great Britain, Germany, France and England of different nationalities being one country.

I know it would be in utter horror for the Prime Minister to subscribe to such banal rape of social existence and violation of the code of human cohabitation.

The Great Britain did just that by lumping together Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, Edos, Efik and the over five hundred other ethnic nationalities in one country.

The British Government ignominiously ensured in the late 1960s that the attempt of the Igbos to break away and forge their own destiny was thwarted.

If homogeneity and self preservation isn’t important the British would not have voted in the Brexit standoff for its independence and economic separation from the rest of the European countries.

The Nigerian youths have come to the realization that Nigeria need to hold her own Vienna Conference to settle the matter of real nationalities and national boundaries. Nigerians are now awake to reset and reshape a dysfunctional political structure inherited from the British colonial masters and do away with the insane and midnight birth of Nigerian amalgamation in 1914.

Mr. Boris Johnson has been put on notice by this reminder that the amalgamation document Lord Frederick Lugard signed on January 1, 1914, as the governor of both the Northern Nigeria Protectorate and the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria consolidating the two countries as one, followed by declaration of Nigeria as an independent state, forty-six years later in 1960, has expired since 2014.

The #EndSARS and #EndNigeria protests are spontaneous revolutionary movements presently convulsing General Buhari’s Presidency to its foundation. The British Government has a choice to either rewrite and reinvent her own chequered history of romanticizing with banality and the deliberate asphyxiation of the Nigerian people or remains stoically impervious to her perfidious preoccupations of letting humanity down.

(Source: The Nation)