21 September 2024

Nigeria’s Constitution Beyond Repairs, Needs Total Replacement – Olanipekun


Foremost Nigerian Lawyer and former President of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Wole Olanipekun say the Nigerian constitution needs outright replacement and not an amendment.

Olanipekun who differed in opinion to those calling for an amendment of the constitution insists on a complete replacement of the document.

The legal luminary said over the weekend at a scholarship award ceremony in Ikere Ekiti in Ekiti State.

“The constitution needs a total overhaul, a redrafting, a re-crafting, and a total replacement, starting from the preamble to the definition schedule,” Olanipekun said.

The Senior Advocate of Nigeria speaking concerning the recent #EndSARS protests said, ”the truth must be told that the #ENDSARS agitation was merely a microcosm, a potpourri of the sort, of larger issues plaguing the Nigeria society,” Olanipekun added.

”Are we ready to drastically restructure this country starting from the architectural layout of government and governance as wantonly displayed in the constitution foisted on us by the outgoing military without any input by Nigerians?

“Are we prepared to have a rethink on whether we can cope or continue to sustain this luxurious and pretentious presidential system of government which dehydrates our economy and eclipses our revenue?” Olanipekun asked rhetorically.

He said he expects Nigeria to come up with a practical and pragmatic constitution between now and 2023.