26 March 2025

G-7 Summit: Yoruba Nation Agitators Cry To The World Of An Impending Ethnic Cleansing In Nigeria.


The protesters in their view reiterated that, as Black lives should not be taken for a penny, the coming war to eliminate South Nigerians would fill the hands of the G-7 nations as soaked in innocent blood and posterity would not forgive such crime against humanity.


The G-7 Group, gathering in Cornwall, United Kingdom


The G-7 nations, the World’s best economy have been urged to step into the current tide of killings by the sitting Fulani Government of Nigeria, which has declared war on the Southern part of the country driving an agenda of making Nigeria a full Fulani nation.

Thousands of anti-Nigeria government protesters stormed Central London and the home of the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson on Saturday protesting that most World powers must not allow the catastrophe currently in plan in Nigeria, and which has the hands of some European countries to happen. Similar protests took place in Germany, France, Italy, United States, and Nigeria as Nigerians in the Diaspora take their objection to Nigeria’s Fulanisation to the big G7 leaders and asking them to ensure the Fulanisation plan, already gradually being executed does not hold. The protests also were held to allow the big economies to know of Southwest of Nigeria current agitation seeking its self -determination and immediate dissolution of Nigeria

According to sources, there is a long-planned ethnic cleansing to be executed by the Buhari Administration, pulling on a Fulanisation and Islamisation agenda. It was established that if allowed the genocide would clean up the entire people of the SouthWest region in readiness for a Fulani e take over and a full backing and watch of conniving European nations seeking more fortune from Africa.

The agenda commenced in 2015 briefly after President Buhari was inaugurated as the new leader and the entire Nigerian government apparatus was hijacked by Fulanis in underground scheming, initiated by the European multi-nationals and their governments in support.

Saturday, June 12, 2021 had been earmarked to celebrate Nigeria’s ‘Democracy Day’ in celebration of the assassination of Bashorun Moshood Kasimawo Abiola who was killed after winning a landslide election in 1993. The assassination was part of Nigeria’s Fulani-driven government dissuading a leader from the South part of the country which was inhabited mostly by Christians. AS the South part of Nigeria is dominated by both Muslim and Christian religion, the Northern Hausa-Fulani dominated see the South as religiously inferior as the for long has driven the agenda plan of Uthman Dan Fodio, threatening to conquer the entire South region in the 18th century.

However, the celebration, coinciding with the G-7 summit meeting, currently holding in Cornwall in the United Kingdom is being used to tell the World about the catastrophe of a major genocide loading in Nigeria.

An assemblage of Agitators for Yoruba Nations asking for the Southwest part of the country to be carved out of Nigeria in the face of the gradual extermination and people’s destruction gathered to tell the World Nigeria is about to fall and Yoruba tribes have been marked for ethnic cleansing.

Since Independence in 1960, there has never been any major development of the Southwest and Nigeria had produced foreign stooges as leaders, who serve the purposes of their masters. The Hausa/Fulanis tribes have controlled the destiny of the nation holding over 85% of the governance since 1960 and using the governmetal apparatus to destroy gradually the South part of the country.

Several protests have been held in the past on the involvement of France in the sponsorship of Terrorism in Nigeria as it is believed that the reason why France has a grip of the governmental control to penetrate the heartland is through the Fulani alliance in the Sahara subregion of the West African region.

Every country surrounding Nigeria are Francophone nations which have made it more convenient for France and other aligning European nations to commit various atrocities of ammunition importation and mercenaries incursions into other regions of the country where their bushes and hamlets are currently being taken over in preparation s for a Jihad war.

France has been fingered as a leading nation in what many believed as a recolonization to bring the entire nation under a European collective control.

Yoruba Nation agitators stormed Trafalgar square and other parts of Central London to cry to the World leaders meeting in Cornwall, that ethnic cleansing being carried out by the Fulani government in Nigeria has been on-going and a major declaration of war may be ordered any moment from now.

The protesters in their view reiterated that, as Black lives should not be taken for a penny, the coming war to eliminate South Nigerians would fill the hands of the G-7 nations as soaked in innocent blood and posterity would not forgive such crime against humanity.

The teeming protesters stormed central London to demand the immediate dissolution of Nigeria as an entity, claiming the treaty for 1914 amalgamation, which bonded South and North Protectorate expired in 2014 and was only legally binding for 100 years which has elapsed.

However, protesters are alleging that since the expiration of the amalgam treaty in 2014, a cunny effort to recolonise the country through a back door war and ethnic cleansing of the Southern part had commenced. It added that Nigeria is about to be taken down in an alleged European-backed civil disorder which would result in a major ethnic cleansing and population reduction of the people of South-West Nigeria.

“With the information at our disposal, if the planned genocide is allowed to take place, the entire continent of Africa would be in danger of explosion and the World may not be able to handle the result end”, a spokesperson of the Yoruba Nation agitation movement in London told aiinewsonline.


He alleged the complicity of some European nations and said it is time for more value to be placed on the life of Africans, calling on G7 nations to see from the eyes of Africans and not blinded by their own selfish economic pursuits.

The source urged the big nations that rather than seeing the Continent as a business centre and inciting wars to gain control causing desolations anguishes and bloodshed, Africans should be seen as partners in driving the World.

Since the 2019 election violently rigged to retain Buhari in power, war mercenaries are being transported to the South part of Nigeria en masse to strategize for the ethnic cleansing build-up with Fulani tribes incursions into South Nigeria encouraged by the government. The last two previous lockdowns, caused by COVID-19 were used to transport mercenaries from NIger Republic, Mali, Chad, North Cameroun, and Libya into the Southern part of the country.

On several occasions, Helicopters had been sighted landing in bushes and being used to deposit arms and ammunition to hundreds of war mercenaries already taking positions in the bushes and hamlets in the South regions.

Many of the war mercenaries are transported in covered trailers and in most cases tinted luxurious buses and always moving in the nighttime..

“We are sensitizing the entire World that what is coming to Nigeria would be catastrophic and too difficult to handle as the Blood of South-Nigeria is being used to sacrifice for the wealth of the big nations”, the source lamented. hinting that the plans for war are unknown to the innocent locals who daily are going about their businesses and so ignorant of the impending genocide as they would soon wake up to the middle of the night killings and maimings as has been happening and this time in higher magnitude unseen in history.

He added: “Mass extermination of innocent people just for economic reasons if carried out would soak all the hands of the G-7 nations with innocent Africans ‘blood”.

Saturdays protest came as the World seven major economy nations of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States  assemble in Cornwall being hosted by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to discuss major issues as concerning the World in the aftermath of the World economic downturn created by the forces of COVID-19 lockdowns.

The group is meeting for the first time in two years is also to attend to the global health crisis and climate situation.

Since coming to power in 2015, Buhari government has pursued the wicked plan of planting his Fulani kinsmen in power and occupying all security apartments in Nigeria. Hundreds of gun-wielding cattle-rearers carrying AK-47 have infiltrated every nooks and corner of the Southern part of Nigeria, lodging in bushes and displacing many villagers, and killing and maiming in tens and twenties. The AK-47 gun-wielding cattleman is also complimented by imported war mercenaries from Niger Republic, Libya, Chad, North Cameroon, Mali, and many more. There are signals that Frank Gaffney’s warning and signals are beginning to emerge Buhari government continues to differ all logic aimed at ceasing the onslaught with many of the penetrating war mercenaries confessing they are waiting for command as they are being led by some invisible commanders.

Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy in the United States has repeatedly warned about a planned genocide on South Nigeria, dominated by Christians with a Fulani Jihad being the gameplan jihadists.

He said the plan if executed would supersede the historical Nazis murder of the Jews and the Rwanda massacre combined.

AS a security expert, Mr. Gaffney knows what was in the plan and release a video in February 2018, appealing to the World leaders to intervene and not allow the ctastropie to take place.

Gaffney continued to appeal to the entire world, especially the Trump Government urging that the war should not be allowed to happen as it would be too hard for the World to handle.

Gaffney, in 2018 called on the former US President, Donald Trump to summon a meeting of all World leaders and call on all stakeholders to this wicked plan to stop it. as it may create the worse human tragedies of all time such that may be worse than the old European war and the early-nineties tragedy in Rwanda and Burundi. Watch the video below and listen to Frank Gaffney in early 2018, calling on World leaders to discourage the coming planned tragedy.

Now, the planned carnage has moved closer and it is to be executed any moment now.

The Secretary of the Yoruba Nation Media Presenters agitating group, Mr Fatai Ogunribido in a statement signed on behalf of the body said the G-7 nations are only being sensitized that the whole world should ready for what is coming as many of the big nations always have foreknowledge of happenings in Africa and pretend they are innocent. He claimed many of them are already aware of the plans to decimate South Nigeria while their Media has been silent and pretending all is well.

He said Hundreds have been butchered while hundreds are being taken in hostages for ransoms in major disorganization of the life of a people so peace-loving and welcoming to other races and tribes..

“For six years, Buhari government has embarked on the Fulanisation of all security departments and strategically placing Fulani indigenes in power so that entire South Nigeria would be encamped which has happened already”.

 The plan has worked and as entire South Nigeria has been flooded with Fulani war mercenaries from Libya, Mali, Niger Republic, North Cameroun, and Chad are currently taking positions in bushes in the South and waiting for orders to commit mass murder

 According to Mr. Ogunribido, all attempts to drive the aliens out from the South-Eastern part of Nigeria have been met with the Nigeria Fulani government sending helicopters to carry out aerial bombardments with hundreds of Eastern Security networks and civilians killed by Federal troops in the past weeks.

 There has never been reports of the Southeast carnage  in any of the European Media and yet, the blood spill continues”

“ We are alerting the entire World that catastrophe is coming to other parts and we are sensitising the whole World that Black life matters and South Nigeria must be spared of the coming tragedy”, he continued.

The Media spokesman also said that the British Parliament would soon be approached by his group to lodge official complaints.

He said Britain has a crucial role to perform in freeing the South part of Nigeria from the Fulani apartheid regime.