Jeremy Corbyn Leads Armament Protests As Yoruba Nation Flags Flood War Protests Venue In The United Kingdom
As thousands gathered to tell the World in a major effort to create awareness, tens of Yoruba Nation flags were raised in display lying side-by-side with other self-determination and war-ravaged nations of the World converged to raise an alarm on the wickedness of big nations encouraging armaments and supporting brutal governments across the World

Graphic images of brutal killings carried out in Southern Nigeria by government-sponsored war mercenaries and World no 2 terrorist groups, Boko Haram have surfaced at the venue of this year’s protests against armament which was held in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Gory graphic pictures of mutilated bodies of innocent Nigerians who had been assassinated by the groups as government schemes a full Fulanisation of Nigeria were displayed by the anti-war protesters who had gathered to warn the city of Liverpool not to play host to war munition experts gearing up for an exhibition to be held next month in Liverpool’s Arena and Convention Centre.
In Southern and central Nigeria, a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing had taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing which is preparing the way for full land grabbing as Fulanis in Nigeria occupying the seat power have perfected efforts to fully make Nigeria a Fulani country.
and mutilated bodies of victims of Boko Haram and war mercenaries as ethnic cleansing activities by Nigeria’s Fulani Government surfaced at the weekend as anti-war protesters converged in Liverpool, United Kingdom to carry out a protest against armaments.
As thousands gathered to tell the World in a major effort to create awareness, tens of Yoruba Nation flags were raised in display lying side-by-side with other self-determination and war-ravaged nations of the World converged to raise an alarm on the wickedness of big nations encouraging armaments and supporting brutal governments across the World.
The AOC Europe 2021 arms fair is scheduled to take place at the Liverpool city council-owned ACC Exhibition Centre in Liverpool.
At the fair, which would witness modern weaponry and high-level negotiations, arms merchants, government operatives, especially from brutalized nations such as Nigeria would be making efforts once again to fortify their arsenals and using them for incessant killings of innocent people.
For about six years, ethnic cleansing of South Nigeria had been taking place, especially since the inauguration of Muhammadu Buhari who had a long plan to fully make South Nigeria a Fulani land with a major ethnic cleansing coming next year.
Several weapons accrued by the Nigerian government had been used to target the civilian population. The stakeholders are set to use Liverpool to market, sell and trade out their arms and military technology which had been presented attractively to entice brutal governments across the world.
“Liverpool Against the Arms Fair”, a local coalition of anti-war campaigners who are opposed to the fair, called for a demonstration against the fair on September 11th, 2021 and among the World recognized personalities leading the protest was the British Former Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
The protest was organized to raise awareness of the plight of many helpless people in particular conflicts, especially Nigeria, which has witnessed brutal state-aided killings of people of the South of the country.
Jeremy Corbyn speaking atop a Fire Brigade Union engine at St George’s Plateau where the protest was held had opined that the war trade fair should not be held anywhere in Liverpool: “It shouldn’t be held anywhere, and it certainly should never be held in the city of Liverpool, any more than it should be held in London.
“Think of what this arms fair is about. Showcasing weapons of destruction, showcasing weapons of surveillance, of information, and of the ability to target particular places.
Corbyn condemned the planned ‘arms fair’, praising the courage of those who stand for justice and fair play in treating humanity as equal and as having fundamental human rights.