29 March 2025

Nigeria Failed Romance With Benin Republic Was Another Attempt To Slap The Yoruba Nation In The Face


When looking back into history, Yoruba people are the most displaced in the entire World, and the catastrophic effect of the displacement and disentanglement from the source through mutilation into a group of nations has left serious mental and psychological pains in many Yoruba communities across the World, Yorubas in Benin inclusive


Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigeria Foreign Minister


The deep pains of the Yorubas in the Republic of Benin resurrected recently when a Minister in the scam called the Federal Republic of Nigeria told the World that the country was willing to be the 37th state of Nigeria.

The report came after Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigeria’s foreign affairs Minister suggested that Benin Republic wanted to become Nigeria’s 37th state after a meeting of both countries’ leaders and their respective ministerial representatives earlier in the month.

The report had claimed:“The president of Benin said as far as they are concerned, Benin should be the 37th state of Nigeria,”

Ijoba ole ati amunisin. Won fee gbe Benin Republic mora. E ti shi!

Let me delve into that claim. The assertion, after all, may not be far from the truth that the Beninines want to be part of their root in Nigeria. What is far from the truth is the fact that the nation with a Yoruba population solicited to be part of a failed nation called Nigeria. The unfolding reality here is the intention of the Nigerian government attempting to hijack the feelings, hopes, and aspirations of the Benin people and exploit their pains as a people deprived of their roots and so eager to join their Oodua nation counterparts. A few years ago, the Beninine authority told the World how it wanted the nation to join their root, the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Benin Republic’s population is largely Yorubas and has never held back the intention of the people coming back in alliance with their own people with whom they share their identity in order to fuse with them. That dream would never be terminated by a false contraption called Nigeria

It is easy to decipher that reading through his inner eyes, Onyeama, serving a most crooked government in Nigeria’s history read rightly the pains of Benin people, itching to join their South-West Nigeria kinsmen and then was doing the dirty job of forcing them to align with the fake nation called Nigeria. Onyeama was doing his boss’s bidding and also playing to the gallery of the Fulani antics of wooing other nations of the World with a heavy bribing (with money) and illegal business contract as it solicits for support and influence in its oppression and destruction of the people of South part of Nigeria. Those piloting Buhari’s Government have spent Billion across the World to buy influence and mortgage the entire nation in bids to retain power and deceive the World all has been well.

When looking back into history, Yoruba people are the most displaced in the entire World, and the catastrophic effect of the displacement and disentanglement from the source through mutilation into a group of nations has left serious mental and psychological pains in many Yoruba communities across the World, Yorubas in Benin inclusive. The slave era even made history worse to reflect on due to the painful scars. Even, in this century, the Yorubas are scattered scavenging for survival in all nations of the World, a result of the Fulani manipulation of governance since Independence day 1960 and supported by the big power predators who reap the benefits of the maladministration, acting behind the scenes as main actors in the scam called Nigeria. We as South-Westerners in Nigeria have been fooled, used, and dumped and the end is near so we can move on to establish a Black nation’s best government that would be free of foreign incursions and back-drive.

However, it is obvious that the Yoruba deliberate disintegration would not last forever as the people bonded by culture and race would surmount the current conspiracy which has diminished the Yoruba resolves for centuries. The scatter-them-situation has created millions of Yorubas living in denial of their rightful identity and in deprivations, having been long displaced, emotionally battered, and bruised, and made to face social humiliation in many parts of the World.

It has also emerged that the Benin authority mocked Nigeria over the statement saying the Benin Republic won’t be part of a failed nation, lacking in good roads, electricity, and in social insecurity. That is the true picture of Nigeria and there is no doubt it is for long a failed state,

The legacies of the scars brought about as a result of the colonial menace in Yoruba land by the Europeans have left behind serious mental, physical, and psychological pains that have been unimaginable in the annals of the history of humanity.

 I was watching a programme sometimes ago and the quiz was given to the participants to answer a question which was posed in the programme: “What is the most artificial creation in human history”?  The respondents joggled around many answers until one of the participants got the right answer and he was celebrated with a big applause.

”The partition of Africa into artificial nations”, the respondent retorted in excitement as he answered.. Obviously, he was completely oblivious of the scars and tragedy of the effect of what he has answered to, as he must have learnt the answer from his school history books.

However, going back into the points, the pains of the Yorubas in Republic of Benin is unquantifiable as a people held against their will. One would have thought such psychological imprisonment and deprivation could have been ephemeral but colonial master France, which already has its hands soiled in blood in Libya (France killed Gaddafi), Rwanda and Burundi, Ivory Coast, and many more country, with its antecedents in political history and in Black people’s life destruction, refuse to give way for them so they can be a people in mental and psychological relief. So many millions in Africa are currently stuck in enslavement under very harsh laws that wire their destiny to the European countries, especially France.

Bring forward OODUA nation today, and the Benineins would have no hesitation to beef up agitation to own back their true identity as part of a united Yoruba Nation identifying and aligning to their roots.

 Common, hold your own Nigeria, Yoruba Nation is where the Republic of Benin belongs and soon, the denial would be a thing of the past as OOdua nation will usher-in soon. We shall overcome.


Map of Benin Republic