26 March 2025

No Jupiter Can Rebuild Nigeria, Now is The Dead End Of A Slave Colony, Says Heritage TV Boss Thomas


“No Jupiter Can Rebuild Nigeria, Now is The Dead End Of A Slave Colony

A political activist and a major voice in the on-going OOdua Nation agitation, Mr. Ade Thomas has opined that the Nigerian nation from the onset has been a farce, a scam, and entrapment for many progressive souls which for long had emerged in the Southern part of the country.

Mr. Thomas said thousand of personalities who would have made a big difference to humanity have had their lives destroyed through bad governance, calculated destruction of a section of the country, and deliberate dehumanization, made up to frustrate positive-minded people who would have lifted our World to a higher height in technology, science, humanity, and in social upliftment. He was particular that the South-West could have been a World economic power if it had been given the chance to emancipate by those who had held the region in hostage and perpetual stagnation since Nigeria Independence 1960.

Mr. Thomas was reacting to a statement made by some elder statesmen contributing during a dialogue for Nigeria co-existence, urging the govt to commence efforts to run the country well.

Recently, some elder statesmen and prominent activists issued a statement urging the government to wake up as she had been running on autopilot.

A political activist and a major voice in the on-going OOdua Nation agitation, Mr. Ade Thomas has opined that the Nigerian nation from the onset has been a farce, a scam, and entrapment for many progressive souls which for long had emerged in the Southern part of the country. Mr. Thomas said thousand of personalities who would have made a big f=difference to humanity had been destroyed through bad governance, calculated destruction of a section of the country, and deliberate dehumanization to frustrate positive-minded people who would have lifted our World to a higher height in technology, science, humanity, and in social upliftment.

The prominent citizens, among them Cardinal John Onaiyekan, Dr Hakeem Baba Ahmed, Gen. Martin Luther Agwai (rtd.), Prof Attahiru Jega, and Prof Jibrin Ibrahim, among several others urged the government to rise up to its responsibilities.

Mr. Thomas, the Chief executive of London-based Heritage Television, a pioneer of Yoruba Nation agitation retorted: “Which responsibilities are they talking about that they have not lived up to in 60 years of Independence? Can they be serious about this or just playing on the intelligence of millions of Nigerians and buying more time for mediocrity and doomsdays and seeking for more elite dominance in their slave and master system of government and destroying the nation’s fabrics?”

The elders issued their statement under the platform of Nigeria Working Group on Peacebuilding Governance. They called on the government to rise up to its responsibilities of running the country well.

An Angry Mr Thomas said:” Cheap words,. Running the country well after 60 years of Independence? He said many of our leaders are mere talkers who want to be heard so that they can maintain the status quo of keeping what the false nation has benefited them.

Mr. Thomas said no forces can stop the emergence of OOdua nation as SouthWest Nigeria has had enough of the nonsense tagged as Nigeria

He said: ” Nigeria is not real. It has never offered anyone or region any benefit but rather has destroyed what our forefathers had built in the past. It has dragged the South part of the nation back more than the Independent number of years and the time is now to look back to pick the pieces and commence the building of a virile nation, especially, The Yoruba Nation, which in the 50s championed good governance. He said no stone is being left unturned in the dream for a Yoruba Nation which will serve as an umbrella for more than 350million Yorubas across the World.

The elders’ statement in their statement had said that corruption in the country has gone completely out of control and that concerted efforts must be made to dismantle anti-corruption agencies which had been rendered ineffective, while evidence of corruption has been growing and that prosecution of corrupt criminals has slowed down considerably.

Mr. Thomas said that the statement is an indication that many of our elders are not in the real world. He said they should be clamoring for each region going into self-determination as the center has been destructive to people’s lives,

Further content of the elders statement read:

“The civil society actors noted that in the absence of a binding narrative, there are series of conspiracy theories that have emerged, with immense capacity to divide the country along the sharp lines of ethnicity and religion, which is further sustained by the absence of strategic communication between the Nigerian state and its citizens.

“This situation is further heightening the level of desperation among the citizens that are increasingly being detached from the everyday governance of the Nigerian State.

“Indeed, the presidency has adopted the strategy of responding to demands for urgent and holistic review of the basic structures and governance processes of our nation with demeaning statements.

“This tendency to abuse those who legitimately ask those with responsibility to listen to popular voices is alienating more Nigerians from the administration and playing into the hands of those who feed off desperation.

“The nation needs to adopt a sense of urgency in the way it deals with rapidly accumulating liabilities.

“Nigerians cannot wait for the convenience or pleasure of leaders in deciding what is important.

“We must avoid the tendency to ignore our problems until they become a lot worse in terms of the capacities of leaders to deal with them.

“We call on younger Nigerians in particular, to get involved in the search for a future without current levels of bitterness and dislocations.”

Mr. Thomas dismissed the elders’ statement describing them as doing business of pacifying the broken-hearted in order for the status quo to be sustained.