Yoruba Nation expanse lands in the current Entrapment called Nigeria
We are almost being consumed as a people and as a race. But the alales( The ancient owners of Yorubaland) won’t allow for it. With the level of violent killings just going on in South Nigeria and carnage and disaster ravaging SouthWest villages day by day, the big World and their Media apparatus have decided to leave us in the cold, treating us as their mere products and tools of economic value to themselves. We seem to be of no importance and our life and blood are worth nothing to them.

However, it is really sad that many of us as Black race and Yoruba people are not getting the message as we should. Yet, we celebrate our destruction, we elevate a culture that has washed away our whole World and giving us counterfeited life, despite being the original eyes of the Eledumare, our creator. You keep wondering; ” What has the Black done to deserve the sort of treatment from the big World? When in 1993, I popped into a shop in North London and came across a postcard that projected that recolonization of Africa was in a plan, never did I know the intensity of the message then, until the mid-nineties when Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and many nations in Africa were in war ravage. Interestingly, many Africans did not identify the problem and just typically adduced it all to community feud and intertribal wars. It never occurred to me that the same calamity would be brought to our doorstep in South Nigeria. Both the big World, their governments, and their multi-national organization seeking fortune and global superiority and dominance over each other, and, their ferocious Media conglomerates being used as tools of imperialism and colonization pretend nothing is happening in South Nigeria. Alas! this is our World in Africa as a people long-forsaken and in search of our true identity and freedom. But can we meet those goals when the phantom power-seeking bullies using us as their products are intensifying their superiority claim over the black people and using a tiny section of our own people to destroy us in divide and rule political gameplay? The question is can we continue like this? Whither, the Black race? Whither Yoruba Nation, the true GLORY of the Black race?.
Are we going to be continually fooled and be so subjugated and destroyed as we have witnessed in the entrapment called Nigeria since the Independent day 1960? When are our strayed heroes going to come back to their senses and understand the Yoruba Nation is the light of the entire Black race and must take the step towards Black race emancipation and life reconstruction. But even then, would our predators, the big World allow for such emancipation being on our neck and constituting a thick fishbone, hard to swallow and yet cant be coughed out. Would the Yoruba Nation get her freedom from the North Nigeria elites and Fulani aliens given power by the Europeans to destroy and subjugate us?
A lot of exposure has been given out by the recent #EndSARS protest scenario, and that is that the Western Media are aware of the occurrences in Nigeria, especially the violent killings going on in the Southwest. We saw in the aftermath of the protest a major preview and reports carried out by CNN. But one may ask: “Why is it that the same CNN and other World Media are not paying attention to the cries of South Nigeria who are being killed every day in the most brutal circumstances? Where are the World human rights groups and why are they standing akimbo as if killing the Yoruba people, as happening now and taking over their villages are a normal process of life.
Imagine this! Recently, the United States officials paid a courtesy call on the Fulani Seriki-General now taking over the stool of the Oba of Lagos. What does that intend to send to the outside world? That US and other European nations are complicit in the fall of southwest Nigeria to Fulani hands? Just asking. Why have France and other veiling EU nations silent and staying in the back yard while Fulanis mercenaries are equipped with AK47 many of which are brand new and so deadly equipped with millions of rounds of ammunition flooding to the South West part of Nigeria? Are we compromised as a nation and the recolonization and repartition of Africa has reached Nigeria with the extermination of the Yoruba race in the World depopulation plan? All these are questions begging for answers and which we must hold tight and prepare to fight in order to preserve our future. Only less than two months ago, France established A Fulfulde speaking Fulani Radio in Nigeria, perhaps to facilitate the motivation of Fulani in their agenda of South Nigeria overrun and just as the mass incursions of Fulani mercenaries into the Southern part of Nigeria continue, and getting deeper and deeper, and more. Where are the human rights activists of our time who have the muscle to sensitize the World? Where are the pastors and the Imams who can read between the lines? Are we not up for a pre-planned depopulation agenda, recolonization, and redistribution of our wealth among big nations for their economic prosperity reasons?
And hear this! On March 9, 2021, The British Government announced that it would repatriate a huge sum of £4Billion belonging to James Ibori, who served a long jail term in the United Kingdom for money laundering.
Now, can you get the message? Britain telling the World that all is well with Nigeria. The gesture and excitement displayed by the diplomat who announced the news are enough to tell us that with all the killings going on in South-West Nigeria, Britain remains unperturbed and must bring some fake smiles onto the face of the most blood-thirsty government the Fulani nation called Nigeria ever had and that to lend support to the carnage and destruction of South Nigeria and the middle-belt. Some messages of ‘we are with you in your criminal governmental discharge’ must be communicated to the World about the fake Buhari government, to cushion its confidence and abet the atrocities, killing the South-Westerners. We can’t afford to allow for misjudgments and now we must establish who truly are our friends as Yoruba people. We can say with the affordmentioned that now, we truly know our enemies as Yoruba people and there must be the right steps to take in our quest for our freedom. UK and United States are not on our side. We must find our right ally in our quest for freedom. We are almost conquered and the reason for this is beyond the shores of Nigeria. US and UK body languages speak the volume of the truth about where they stand. We must face the challenges and getting our real friend to support. We must remember, that On bo On bo, awon lan de e de and Igi ganganran magunmi loju, okeere lati nwo. We shall overcome.
For more than 40 years, it has been the ambition of the Fulanis to take over Nigeria and adopt it as their own land and nation. The Fulanis have no homeland of their own and want to take over Nigeria completely. They have perceived that all other nationalities have a land of their own and that the mere fact that they are scattered all over West Africa has not been very pleasing to their elites. Their elites, therefore, strategized long ago that they are in a good position to ‘front’ for some European nations, acting as their stooges in the economic exploitation of some African nations which have made Nigeria a hotbed of socio-economic and political exploitation and looting targets, serving the big World’s advantage. France has played a key role in this undermining Nigeria and planting Fulani leaders to dictate our destiny as Nigerians. It is now real that Nigeria has never emerged as a true nation it has been touted to be in 60 years; with South and middle belt fooled and taken for a ride. But hope is on the horizon

In a recent virtual parley held to strategize for a high powered united shadow cabinet strategically aimed at fronting for the Yoruba nation in international lobby, economic, social and political planning, Professor Banji Akintoye, the Alana of Ilana Yoruba (The Voice of Yoruba Nation) told over 1000 participants taking part in the virtual international Confab that, the Fulanis have always thought that they are a hated tribe across Africa and would always resort to violence to achieve anything they want, especially their own land.
Hear Professor: “The Fulanis have never built a city of their own. They parade in about 22-23 strength in the population of which 90% of them are cattle rearers. Their elites met and held meetings deciding to take some lands, as they don’t have an ancestral land of their own and so must grab and adopt a vast land they can call as their own country”.
If you think those who are begging the World to come to South Nigeria and Middle belt rescue are political players, you are dead and never buried. Please watch the videos posted hereunder. Better jump on our agitation for our YORUBA nation before you and your generation coming is exterminated. Nigeria has been a European fraud from its onset. We need YORUBA NATION-NOW! We shall overcome.