26 March 2025

YORUBA NATION: “This Is Our Finest Hour”, Mrs. Onitiri-Abiola Felicitates With Yorubas All Over The World As 5-Million Mark Signatures Are Achieved


Mrs Modupe Onitiri-MKO Abiola: " We Are Now A Free Nation"


Chief Mrs. Modupe Onitiri-Abiola, widow of the African symbol of Democracy, Chief MKO Abiola has sent a message of hope to all Yorubas across the World congratulating them on the occasion of the achievement of the 5million signature petition mark, which has sent messages across the World that Yorubas are now a free people in their self-determination and sovereignty processes.

Announcing the result of a four-month-long drive for the signatures as directed by many World constitutional bodies including the United Nations, Chief Mrs. Onitiri-Abiola described the landmark achievement as historical and the finest hour for the entire Yoruba race across the World.

According to her, the five-million petition result has now been submitted to the United Nations and other relevant Yoruba Royal Kingdom partners across the World.

She announced:” We are there now as the 5million signatures have been achieved. God is the one that has done it, He is in it, at it, and above it every second of the time”

Mrs. Onitiri-Abiola on Friday night, announcing the historical landmark freedom for the Yoruba route told his millions of listeners that she is only being used as a tool for Yoruba people’s freedom from years of slavery by the Hausa-Fulani oligarchic strangulation.

She added: “We are making history now achieving this feat of 5million signatures petitions, as, God is the powerhouse. In the past, so many have exerted their energy on petitions with no result achieved. This is the finest hour of the Yorubas and we are all joyous and in celebration season. She went into spirit relaying Psalm 126 and congratulation all Yorubas all over the World on the achievement which has turbo-charged the speed of Yoruba’s exit from Nigeria.

The five million signature has signaled Yoruba’s automatic exit from Nigeria, being the full step taken after an illegal 100 years 1914 amalgamation of North and South of Nigeria expired in 2014, leaving Nigeria as not bound by any legal existence. There is also the fostering of constitutions which are forced on the people by some North Nigeria military elites forcing themselves into Federal top of the Nigerian government and who for several years have used military power at the center to coerce, subjugate, subdue and dehumanize the Nigeria Southern people, destroying their economic life and looting their region economic resources in gold, oil, bitumen and forming alliances with some big multi-nationals and depositing all the loots in Arab and Western countries, driving the people into abject poverty and gradual ethnic cleansing.

In recent years, the Buhari administration had commenced full Fulanisation of Nigeria to make it a full Fulani country bringing in millions of Fulanis from Chad, Niger Republic, Mali, and Mauritania and forcing them on the Southern Nigeria local communities, using thousand of soldiers from Franco-phone countries to enforce stability of the foreigners on the traditionally owned land and dispossessing the locals of their land which the franco-phone countries kidnap, kill and maim innocent Southerners in accelerating the ethnic cleansing drive as planned by the Buhari regime.

Mrs. Onitiri in her words of assurance told Yorubas across the World: “Our freedom hours have come. We don’t want wars and our efforts toward the five million signatures petition mark are to ensure that we regain our freedom through the legal means as contained in all international laws provisions and United nations provisions”

Mrs. Onitiri Abiola urges all Yorubas to continue to celebrate as all formality for disengagement from Nigeria has commenced and it won’t be long anymore.

” We have emphatically told the World that we don’t want wars. We are on our land and they are coming to kill us. We own the right of defense if they keep doing what they are doing and we will defend our land if need be, she enumerated

The Alana and leaders of the Yoruba self-determination groups, Chief Stephen Adebanji Akintoye went earlier during the unveiling had relayed how the government of Nigeria had attempted to extradite the freedom fighter and self-determination icon, Chief Sunday Majasola Igboho back to Nigeria. Cheif Akintoye told the World how retired Fulani military top shot, General Buratai had visited the freedom fighter and promised him good life and money if allowed to be taken back to Nigeria from his abode in the Republic of Benin.

Chief Akintoye spoke about the conversation between Buaratai and Sunday Igboho and how he promised heaven and heart but Igboho put his Yorubas race first and rejected millions of Naira as promised by the Nigerian government.

Professor Banji Akintoye: No amount of intimidation can stop Yoruba Nation Emergence

“Igboho has done what many educated professors cannot do, not denying his race in an hour of need”, he said.

“Yorubas are great people, made black with a difference”, Chief Akintoye noted.

“We are the first to create urban cities in entire Africa saying that big cities had sprung up in 18 century even to the consternation of many visiting colonialists who were amazed how. The white man came and saw us as civilized people living in cities and big towns. Yorubas have been great with developmental drives and settled in big cities even to the surprise of the alien white adventurers.

We are a special people and God is ready to raise our heads up again. Everyone partaking in the struggle is building an everlasting paradise for their own future and the generations to come. I implore all not to blame those not supporting yet.

“Our young people want the Yoruba Nation now and not tomorrow”.

“Our young people want their nation today and without any referendum. Our 5million signatures is our referendum and we have achieved it and the World has been told”.

“We are not holding any referendum. The 5-million mark signatures are now ready and nations of the World are ready to support us in our efforts toward our sovereignty as a nation. The joy has begun and the flag will soon fly”

“We are all set to build one of the greatest nations in the World.”

“Nigeria is now a land of blood and a decaying phenomenon. We are no longer Nigeria and we are ready to build a country of prosperity and greatness. Millions of our children are spread across the World and ready to come back home and build a unique nation.

“Our God has made us a unique people from the beginning and is ready to re-establish us. We are a special people and we are ready to exit the swords of those who are killing us”

“A great thing has happened today and the World must know about it that we are a people ready to build our own nation”, Akintoye continued.

Tracing how he left the United States for her Yoruland some years ago, without having a real mission for his visit, Papa Akintoye denoted that he came back home from the United States without having a specific mission at heart and saying that he now realizes that it was God’s own manifestation in his life to come home for a major service to humanity which has turned into the freedom of Yoruba people from imminent extermination by forces of evil.

“Whatever I am doing in this struggle, it is through the manifestation of God. He is the driving force of the self-determination efforts as he is bigger than all of us. God is the ruler of the universe, and when he says yes, no one can say no”, Akintoye recognized.